Monday, March 28, 2011

Purposeful Blog

During the class, Communications 480, one of our assignments was to create and write our own blog.  Since I have always held job positions with some various version of the title Administrative Assistant, I decided to name my blog “Aims of the Admin”, with the particular aim, on my part, to get a permanent full time job with benefits.  I was laid off of my full time position in January of 2009 just as the unemployment downturn was really swinging into action.  Immediately after, I was able to get a part-time job.  The owners of the company assured me the job would become a full-time position in four months.  I left that job in September of 2010, it was still a part time job.  The failing economy had affected the agency I was working for and the business did not grow at the rate that it had been.  This meant that they did not have the finances to pay for a full time support person.  Even though I had not secured a permanent full time job, I left the agency because I had secured a temporary, but full time, position with the county.  I had hopes that the temporary position would become a permanent position.  However, the temporary project has been completed and I find myself unemployed once again.
The purpose of any blog can be varied according to the focus of the blogger.  The purpose of “Aims of the Admin” was threefold; to complete the course assignment, to learn how to create and maintain a blog, and to write about the concerns of a career administrative assistant when looking for a job.  In the actual creating and publishing of the URL and blog, the basics of the course assignment were completed.  Over the next weeks new blog posts have been added from the ongoing assignments.  Also, time has been spent learning different aspects of blogging and what additions and changes could be made to make the blog more appealing.
The website BlogSpot has very easy instructions and templates to help set up a blog.  This publisher is designed to be uncomplicated and to let a blogger get online to publish as soon as possible.  A blogger can choose from the design templates offered by BlogSpot or a blogger can choose to upload their own personal picture.  “The secret to making it work from the beginning is to do a bit of planning up front. If you visit other blogs, I’m sure you will see some nice blog designs that catch your eyes. “ (MacDonald 2010) There are many formats for the layout of the page.  Initially, a blogger may choose one that is pretty or that may have a connection with the subject of the blog.  Later, it can be changed at any time.  Blog design is dependent on the likes and dislikes of the blogger.  However, there are websites with specific information regarding how to design a blog that will appeal to a blogger’s specific audience. 
The specific audience I have had the past few weeks has been my classmates.  The audience that “Aims of the Admin” wishes to serve consists of other people in administrative careers that may be out of a job or even in one but looking for a better position.  Having 20+ years in administration  gives one a lot of experience from which to draw.  There have been many changes in the last 20 years, not only in the many titles the position of secretary now holds, but also in the list of requirements employers are currently looking for to fill admin positions, plus the roller coaster of value, i.e. salary, placed on administration support.
The purpose, design, content and audience are all part of the focus on learning new communication technology to use as new skills for administration support.  One of the lessons I have learned while searching for an admin support position in today’s market is that a prospective employee has to be up to date on all current aspects of technology and how technology applies to business communication.


MacDonald, A. (2008) Effective Blog Design Tips for Successful Blogging, Design and Coding, Swift Media UK, Retrieved March 27, 2011, retrieved from

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